We all know that feeling. Maybe you ate something that didn’t agree with you or just too much. Perhaps you have a sensitive stomach. If you have stomach issues, you might find yourself looking for natural remedies for gas and bloating.

Many people are hesitant to use medicine to treat all ailments and for a good reason. There are so many ways to manage things naturally. Did you know you can use essential oils for gas and bloating?

If you are looking for ways to live a natural and holistic life, check out Balanced Care. We help our customers deal with a variety of conditions safely and effectively. Whether you want help with women’s issues, sports medicine, candida overgrowth, or something else, give us a call today.

What Causes Gas and Bloating

There are a variety of things that can cause you to feel gassy or bloated. The most common causes are overeating or eating certain foods that don’t agree with your stomach.

Whether that be certain vegetables or fried food, specific foods affect people differently.

Sometimes, drinking carbonated or bubbly drinks hurt your stomach. If you drink a lot of soda, beer, or sparkling wine, your stomach might react poorly.

Whatever causes your gas and bloating, the result is the same: feeling uncomfortable.

Symptoms of Gas and Bloating

Fat Men

If you are bloated or gassy, you might notice:

  • An engorged stomach
  • Gassy releases, either by belching or flatulence
  • Feeling gurgles in your stomach
  • Cramps in your stomach and intestines
  • Feeling incredibly full
  • Noticeable pressure in your abdomen
  • Slowed digestion
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Looking five to six months pregnant

If you have experienced any of these symptoms, you are probably looking high and low for relief. Before you head to the drug store or pharmacy for medicine with potentially harmful side effects, check out some natural remedies first.

Natural Remedies for Gas and Bloating

Herbal Medicine

The best natural remedy for gas and bloating is to keep gas and bloating from ever occurring! Avoiding certain foods or combinations of foods, as well as allergens can go a long way in preventing stomach problems.

There are a variety of natural remedies to try, though.

Avoid Foods that Cause Gastric Problems

While it might seem obvious, it is essential to avoid foods that cause you digestive problems. You know your body better than others. If a particular food has caused issues in the past, steer clear of it.

Specifically, it would be wise to avoid:

  • Vegetables like: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Garlic
  • Gluten or wheat products
  • Beans and legumes
  • Onions
  • Overly spicy foods

Drinking while Eating


While it might be tempting to enjoy something to drink while eating, doing so could lead to indigestion.

Aim for limiting your liquid intake to less than one-half cup during your meal. Furthermore, avoid liquids for thirty minutes before and after you eat.


Massages often feel tremendous and relieve pain in your muscles, but they can also reduce gas when you apply appropriate pressure to your abdominal region.

To bring relief yourself, try rolling the base of hand around your stomach in a counterclockwise motion.

Physical Activity

Ensuring you move enough can help keep you regular. If you are feeling uncomfortable, take a walk, ride your bike, or go for a swim. Just do something to be active. Movement helps your body relieve any painful gas more efficiently.

Remaining sedentary can often cause digestive problems.

Proper Restroom Technique

While this sounds funny, there is a lot to the position of your body while relieving yourself. Do yourself a favor and Google “squatty potty.” Being in a squatting position allows your body to correctly align when sitting on the toilet, ensuring a complete elimination.

Probiotics and Enzymes


Taking a high-quality probiotic each day will keep a steady supply of good bacteria in your body, which helps in digestion. Ensuring a proper flora will prevent bloating, and gassiness and your body will absorb nutrients better.

Enzymes are also fantastic for fighting gas and bloating. Enzymes help your body digest parts of food that might otherwise be difficult. Taking enzymes right before you eat can be extremely beneficial.

Probiotics and Enzymes can also be found in different foods and readily available when eaten.

Eating Schedule

Eating smaller meals throughout the day might help with gas and bloating, as well. Large meals can make you feel full and uncomfortable.

Also, ensure you thoroughly chew each bite. Chewing food quickly or not enough allows more air to get into your stomach, meaning you feel gassy and bloated.

Take small bites and completely. Experts agree that you need to chew your food an average of 32 times is critical.

Essential Oils for Gas and Bloating


You know what they say? There’s an oil for that! Thankfully, several oils can assist in bringing relief from gas and bloating.


Cardamom is a warm and inviting oil, and can help with digestive issues. Mix with the carrier oil of your choice and apply to your stomach area to bring relief.


Chamomile isn’t just for tea anymore. Chamomile essential oil has anti-gas properties as well as pain relieving properties, making it perfect for digestive discomforts. Applying a mix of chamomile and a carrier oil to your stomach can bring pain relief as well as gas and bloating relief. As a bonus, it can speed up digestion.


While some people don’t like the licorice-like smell of fennel, it is a fantastic essential oil for bloating and gas. Fennel can ease a stomach ache or relieve vomiting, cramping, diarrhea, and other indigestion issues.

Mix fennel with a carrier oil and apply it to the bottom of your feet.


It is probably no surprise that ginger essential oil can help with gas and bloating. It is common to drink ginger ale when you have a stomach ache. If your stomach is upset, or your digestion is slow, dilute the ginger essential oil in a carrier oil and apply to your abdomen.


Peppermint essential oil is not only cooling when applied, but it can also bring relief from heartburn, nausea, and other intestinal distress. Mix peppermint essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it directly to your stomach in a circular motion.

Call Balanced Care Today

If you haven’t found consistent relief from your gas and bloating problems, call Balanced Care.

Dr. Katie and Dr. Julia have years of experiencing bringing relief in natural ways to a variety of clients. Let us be your partner in your health journey.